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  • šŸ‘‚Things to "Listen" for During a Job Interview!

šŸ‘‚Things to "Listen" for During a Job Interview!

Plus: #1 Rookie Mistake Job Seekers Make!

Work It Daily

Hello Everyone and Happy Wednesday!

In today's email:

  • Things to ā€œlistenā€ for in a job interview! How to tell if your interview is going well.

  • #1 rookie mistake job seekers make. Are you making this mistake in your job search?

  • Job search shouldnā€™t take you 14 hours a day! You need to find a better job search strategy.

  • Career WWYD. What would YOU do?

  • Mastering your interview attire. How to dress for success.

Hereā€™s whatā€™s going on in the news (related to careers of course):

When youā€™re in a job interview, you shouldnā€™t just focus on answering questions, you should be actively listening to the interviewer too.

What you say in an interview is incredibly important, however, itā€™s also important to be paying attention to the interviewer and what they say. There is more to listening than just hearing another persons words though. And in a job interview, you can learn a lot about how the interview is going by their tone and body language.

The way the interviewer sits, the way they ask their questions, and what they do while you are answering questions are important little things to be aware of. The hiring manager is in control of the interview and thereā€™s not always much you can do to change it if things start going south. However, you can be equipped with the skills to know if the interviewer is paying attention to you or not. (Are they making eye contact? Are they nodding along with your answers?) These skills will help you identify an unengaged hiring manager, and can help give you the chance to grab their attention again.

Here are three things to ā€œlistenā€ for in a job interview, so you can make the best impression!

career success

1 Big Rookie Mistake People Make In Their Job Search! šŸ˜ØāŒšŸ˜¬

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job search hacks

Job search should NEVER take you 14 hours a day! If you are spending hours and hours a day applying to jobs, then itā€™s time to try something new. If you are using an effective and strategic job search strategy, then you shouldnā€™t need to spend 10+ hours a day applying for jobs. Applying to every and any job you can get your hands on is NOT effective and a waste of your time. Hereā€™s what you can do to improve your job search today:

What Would You Do? Below is a work story that isn't true, but it could be! Read this workplace dilemma and then share what YOU would do by clicking the link and submitting your advice. We'd love to hear your response, and may even feature it in the newsletter!

Ahmed has a co-worker, Emilio, that he does a lot of project work with. Emilio is notoriously late with his work. This puts Ahmed in a position of having to work nights and weekends in order to make the project deadlines. Heā€™s talked to Emilio about this multiple times, but Emilio just laughs it off. The problem is that Emilio is REALLY good at what he does. So together, Emilio and Ahmed always get rave reviews for their work. But, Ahmed is finding himself growing resentful of Emilio and struggling to communicate with him due to the stress. Yet, he fears that if he goes to his manager or HR, it could make the relationship uncomfortable and the company might actually get rid of Ahmed since everyone knows Emilio is gifted at what he does.

What should he do? Click HERE to respond.

Todayā€™s Workspace Wonders Recommendation are these air purifiers. Fall is in full swing and that means everything from fall allergies to colds and the flu. The colder weather keeps us indoors more often, making it harder to get fresh clean air. These air purifiers can clean the air in your workspace and living space for healthier, cleaner air.

interview prep

Have you thought about what you are going to wear to your next interview?

Preparing for an interview can be stressful, thereā€™s a lot to think about. You have to do your research on the company, brush up on your interview skills, and find something appropriate to wear.

If you are anything like us, itā€™s easy to stress out about if you are wearing an outfit that makes you look under or over dressed. Before the interview, youā€™ll want to know what is acceptable in your industry, and if you are unsure, social media will be your best friend!

Once you know what is acceptable in your industry, then you can do some research about the company and see what their employees dress like.

By taking the stress out of your interview outfit, you will be able to focus on other aspects of your interview prep. Hereā€™s all you need to know about picking your interview attire, so you can dress for success!

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