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Stay Relevant, Stay In Demand
LinkedIn 2.0 is here...

Hello Everyone and Happy Sunday! We are in your inbox tonight, because we wanted to tell you about a FREE event occurring this week. So without further a do…
Stay Relevant, Stay In Demand: LinkedIn 2.0 For Executives
As a former recruiting executive, I hopped to the other side 20 years ago to become an advocate for YOU, the worker. I write weekly on LinkedIn about topics that help people build better careers. Thanks for reading - I'd love it if you decided to follow my newsletter by hitting the subscribe button above!
LinkedIn recently did an algorithm update.
They changed how content (articles, videos, polls, etc) from other LinkedIn users shows up in your feed.
Just do a quick internet search on, "LinkedIn 2023 algorithm update" and you'll find a long list of resources discussing its impact.
For all those salespeople and content creators who have been trying to hack LinkedIn to gain followers, this change is hurting their game.
But, that's likely not YOU.
So, why should you care about this?
Because the change reinforces LinkedIn's goal to transform how we brand ourselves as professionals.
And, if you don't pay attention, you could virtually overnight find yourself being seen as irrelevant. Hear me out...
With over 900 MILLION users on the platform, how we find and connect with people is being forced to shift. LinkedIn wants to take the best part of social media (i.e. the ability to use it to educate people), as a way to make it possible for us to build out a more powerful network.
For example:
One great way for you to expand your network on LinkedIn is to start sharing your thoughts and ideas on things happening within your industry. It's not enough anymore to just like, comment, or even repost an article or video.
LinkedIn no longer sees those actions as good enough.
Today, LinkedIn wants YOU to be the author of that article, video, poll, graphic, etc. as a way to prove your depth of knowledge with respect to your field or industry.
To encourage us all to share more original thoughts and ideas, LinkedIn's algorithm change rewards us for doing so.
And, if you aren't doing it, you are going to slowly stop being visible to your network. Why? Because their feeds will be filled with content from people who now understand how to use LinkedIn they way they want you to.
So, what should you do to stay relevant and in demand?
The good news is there are some really simple things (ie. changing settings in your LinkedIn profile, following some best practices for posting, etc.) that will help you use the platform correctly.
And, if you follow me here, you shouldn't be surprised to learn I'm going to do a free workshop to teach you all those things!
On July 26th at 3pm EST/12noon PST, I'm doing a 45-minute workshop for free that will walk you through how to use LinkedIn 2.0 to your advantage.
If you CAN'T ATTEND LIVE, it's okay. Sign up HERE and I'll send you the recording.
PS - I hope to see you there because I think you are going to be really glad you learned this sooner than later!