2 Reasons Your Resume Is Getting Thrown in the Trash
Hey there, job seekers! Today, I'm bringing you some eye-opening insights from our CEO and head career coach, J.T. O'Donnell, about why your resume might be getting tossed aside by recruiters. Trust me, you'll want to stick around for this one!
The Resume Paradox: When "Impressive" Becomes Unimpressive
Picture this: You've spent hours crafting what you think is a jaw-dropping resume. It's packed with every skill, achievement, and responsibility you've ever had. You've used fancy fonts, intricate tables, and maybe even some color to make it pop. You're thinking, "This'll knock their socks off!"
Well, I hate to break it to you, but you might be doing yourself a major disservice. Here's the truth: in 2024, if your resume isn't simple, it's not getting read. Period.
Reason #1: The "Too Good to Be True" Effect
Remember that old saying, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is"? Well, that applies to resumes too. When you claim to be a jack-of-all-trades and list every skill under the sun, you're essentially saying, "I'm a BMW for the price of a Honda."
Sounds great, right? Wrong. Recruiters and hiring managers are naturally skeptical. They're not impressed; they're suspicious. By trying to look like a superhero candidate, you're actually raising red flags.
Reason #2: The Brain Overload Phenomenon
Here's a little experiment for you: Imagine I show you a white piece of paper with one word on it. You'd read it in a split second, right? Now, add another word. It takes a bit longer because your brain is trying to connect the two. The more words you add, the longer it takes to process and understand.
This is exactly what happens with cluttered resumes. Recruiters are drowning in applications. They physically can't read every resume from top to bottom. In fact, they're skimming for very specific information in just 6 to 13 seconds. If your resume is a word salad, guess what? It's going in the trash.
The Simple Solution That's Hiding in Plain Sight
Now, I know what you're thinking. "But Cassidy, won't a simple resume look...well, too simple?" I get it. But in reality: when we surveyed recruiters, an overwhelming majority of them preferred our basic, simple template. Why? Because they could actually read and understand it in those crucial first seconds.
The key is a clear, concise "top fold"—that's the first thing a recruiter sees when they open your resume. It should have plenty of white space and highlight your job title and top 10 skill sets. When done right, recruiters will think, "Check, check, check—this person has what I'm looking for!" That's your golden ticket to getting a thorough read.
Put Your Resume to the Test
Don't believe me? Try this: Give your current resume to someone for just 6 seconds, then take it away and ask what they remember about you. With our resume template, people remember your job title and top skills. Can you say the same about yours?
Listen, I know the job market is tough out there. But this is exactly why your resume matters more than ever. In a sea of applicants, simple and clear will make you stand out.
Ready to give your resume a much-needed makeover? We've got you covered! Download our FREE Resume & LinkedIn Bootcamp. It's packed with our best tips and tricks to make your application irresistible to recruiters. In under an hour, you’ll have a resume that’s going to WOW recruiters and stay out of the trash.
Remember, in the current job market, less is more. Keep it simple, keep it clear, and watch those interview invites roll in.
You’ve got this!
Cassidy O’Donnell