✨ Personality Problems in Interviews!

Plus: Why recruiters demand you apply to jobs online!

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In Today’s Newsletter:

  • Is Your Personality Costing You The Job? - Here’s how to understand your communication style.

  • In The News - Microsoft just announced a round of layoffs & the American worker’s commute to work is getting longer and longer.

  • J.T. Talks Jobs - Why recruiters demand you apply to jobs online!

  • Resources We Recommend - Looking for an unbiased news source? 1440 is exactly what you need.

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How To Get A Job Interview Without Applying Online!

Landing a job interview in today's competitive market is tough. Especially, when applying online. There's just too much competition.

Join J.T. & the team at McCoy for a FREE training to learn how to go around the online application process, so you can get in front of hiring managers directly.

DATE: June 5th, 2024

TIME: 12pm ET/ 9am PT

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Your Personality Could Be Costing You Job Offers

 Understanding Your Communication Style 🗣️

As a 20-year career coaching veteran, I've coached countless people on how to be the ideal candidate that employers want to hire. One major factor we focus on is their personality and communication style. Now, I never ask people to completely change who they are. Instead, I help them understand the strengths and potential weaknesses of how their personality comes across in job interviews.

The best way to gain this self-awareness is by taking a communication style assessment like the ISAT (Interaction Style Assessment Test) that I recommend to my clients. This free quiz reveals your dominant communication style—whether you're a Commander, Energizer, Empathizer, or Contemplator. Armed with this knowledge, you can anticipate how your personality may be perceived by different interviewers.

Flexing Your Style for the Interviewer 💪

For example, let's say you're a direct, serious Commander style. While that focused demeanor is great, it may come across as too intense or unapproachable to an Empathizer interviewer who values connection first. They may not feel they can bond with you or that you're open to their coaching.

On the flip side, if you're an outgoing, fast-paced Energizer, your communication style could overwhelm a more reserved, methodical Contemplator interviewer. They may struggle to follow your quicker cadence and energy level.

The goal isn't to fundamentally change your personality. But you do need to flex and adapt it based on who is interviewing you. If you sense the interviewer has a very different style, try to tone down or modify aspects of your personality that may rub them the wrong way. Show them you can still communicate effectively with them.

Giving Yourself the Best Chance 🌟

Some may say, "If they don't like my true personality, then I don't want the job." I understand that perspective. However, in this competitive job market, it's easier for employers to select candidates whose personalities naturally gel with the existing team when all other qualifications are equal.

You don't have to morph into someone you're not. But being mindful of how your personality impacts different people, and making small adjustments, can give you a considerable hiring advantage.

Don't underestimate the importance of personality assessment and adapting your style. It could be the make-or-break factor for getting hired.

Take Control of Your Career

If you want guidance on understanding and optimizing your communication style for interviews from certified career coaches, I invite you to try Work It DAILY's program for a FREE 7-day trial. Our expert help could make a big difference in your next job search.

Go get ‘em!

J.T. O’Donnell

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J.T. Talks Jobs

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