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  • 💪 Overcoming Tattoo & Piercing Stigma!

💪 Overcoming Tattoo & Piercing Stigma!

Plus: Why being 'underemployed' is so stressful!

Work It Daily

Hello Everyone and Happy Wednesday!

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In Today’s Newsletter:

  • Overcoming The Tattoo & Piercing Stigma - Max’s journey to finding the right fit.

  • In The News - The number of job scams is rising & could the U.S. economy already be in a recession?

  • J.T. Talks Jobs - Why being ‘underemployed’ is so stressful!

  • Resources We Recommend - Remote Talent will help you find the world’s best remote workers.

Overcoming the Tattoo and Piercing Stigma: Max's Journey to Finding the Right Fit

Max's Challenge 😞

Meet Max, a talented and driven individual whose journey to finding a fulfilling job was hampered by an all-too-common obstacle – the stigma surrounding tattoos and piercings. Despite his qualifications and passion, Max found himself repeatedly passed over for roles, feeling that his visible body art was unfairly influencing employers' perceptions of him.

The Harsh Reality

As someone with years of experience in the recruiting and staffing world, I understand the harsh reality that Max was facing. There's an infamous phrase, "people hear what they see," and for many employers, tattoos and piercings send a perceived message of danger, rebellion, and difficulty. It's an unfair assumption, but the truth is, in the corporate world, hiring is often a discriminatory process, and employers have the right to choose the kind of talent they want to bring on board.

A Myopic View 👎

Some companies have strict policies against visible tattoos and piercings, believing that these physical expressions are incompatible with their desired corporate image. While this viewpoint is undoubtedly narrow-minded and fails to recognize the true value and diversity of individuals, we cannot force these companies to change their stance overnight. Until leadership shifts and new perspectives take over, this stigma will persist.

Finding Your Tribe

The solution lies not in trying to change the minds of those unwilling to see beyond appearances but in seeking out organizations that embrace diversity and appreciate the unique qualities each individual brings to the table. There are companies out there that understand the folly of judging a book by its cover and value the richness that comes from a diverse workforce.

Breaking Through Barriers 💥

This is precisely the advice I gave to Max. Instead of wasting time on companies that wouldn't hire him based on his appearance, I encouraged him to target employers that celebrate individuality and recognize the value in looking beyond the surface. By shifting his focus, Max was able to find organizations that appreciated his talents and didn't let his tattoos and piercings cloud their judgment.

A Call to Action

If you find yourself in a similar situation to Max, feeling held back by outdated biases and misconceptions, know that you are not alone. At Work It DAILY, we understand the challenges you face, and we're here to help you navigate this complex landscape. Sign up for our FREE 7-day trial and gain access to a wealth of resources and expert guidance to empower your job search and find the right fit for you.

Remember, the companies that reject you based on appearances are the ones missing out on the opportunity to have a talented, unique individual like yourself on their team. Stay true to who you are, and never let anyone's narrow-mindedness diminish your worth.

Go get ‘em!

J.T. O’Donnell

In The News

J.T. Talks Jobs

Resources We Recommend

Meme Of The Day

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