🧓 Overcome Age Discrimination!

Plus: When you get rejected from a job you wanted.

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Overcome Age Discrimination Through Strategic Branding

Gary, an executive with over 20 years of experience, found himself at a career crossroads after being laid off. Despite his extensive experience, six months into his job search, he was not getting any interviews. Convinced his age was the barrier, Gary sought my guidance. As we delved into his situation, it became apparent that the real issue wasn't his age, but how he was branding himself. His approach to job search was portraying him as overqualified and trying too hard, a common pitfall for seasoned professionals. Here's how we turned Gary's narrative around, leading to a job offer from a company on his bucket list just one month later.

The Branding Misstep

Gary's initial approach to his job search was to lean heavily on his long career, believing his vast experience would automatically make him a top candidate. However, this strategy was inadvertently signaling to potential employers that he might be stuck in his ways, resistant to new ideas, or expecting a higher level of compensation than they were prepared to offer. It was clear we needed to rebrand Gary to showcase his experience as an asset while also highlighting his adaptability and eagerness to embrace new challenges.

Modernizing Gary's Professional Image 👤

Drawing on the insights from our discussions and leveraging advice from my own professional experience, we started by overhauling Gary's resume and LinkedIn profile. The goal was to shift the focus from the length of his career to the relevance and impact of his experience. We emphasized achievements that demonstrated his ability to innovate, lead teams through change, and drive results in a modern business environment.

To counteract any perceived overqualification, we crafted a narrative that positioned Gary as a lifelong learner who is passionate about leveraging his experience in new and dynamic ways. This rebranding was not just about changing perceptions; it was about showcasing Gary as a forward-thinking leader who could bring valuable insights and adaptability to any role.

Emphasizing Value Over Years

A critical component of our strategy was to move away from highlighting the number of years Gary had been in the industry. Instead, we focused on the unique value he could bring to a potential employer. This meant tailoring his resume and LinkedIn to speak directly to the needs and challenges of the companies he was most interested in joining. By aligning his brand with the future direction of these organizations, Gary was able to present himself as a candidate who not only had relevant experience but who was also perfectly positioned to help these companies achieve their goals.

The Job Search Awakening 🔍

The result of our targeted job search and branding overhaul was nothing short of an awakening for Gary. Within a month, he landed an interview and subsequently a job offer from one of his bucket list companies. This success was a testament to the power of effective branding and the importance of positioning oneself as adaptable and forward-looking, regardless of age. Gary's journey disproved his initial belief that age was a limiting factor in his job search. Instead, he discovered that a well-crafted brand could open doors and dispel any misconceptions about his readiness to contribute in a modern work environment.

PS - Your Turn to Shine

Gary's story is a powerful reminder that age does not define your professional value. If you, like Gary, are facing challenges in your job search and suspect that your branding might be holding you back, Work It DAILY is here to help. Our approach to modern professional branding can help you position yourself as the dynamic and valuable candidate that companies are searching for.

Join Work It DAILY today, and let us guide you through revamping your brand, just as we did for Gary. With our support, you can overcome any perceived barriers and step confidently into your next career opportunity. Don't let misconceptions about age stand in the way of your success. Let's work together to showcase your true professional worth.

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J.T. Talks Jobs

5 Reasons To Make SurveyJunkie Your Next Side Hustle

There are several reasons why someone might choose to have a side hustle as an online survey taker for SurveyJunkie. Here are five possible reasons:

1. Flexibility: Online survey taking allows for flexibility in terms of working hours. As a survey taker, you can typically choose when and where you want to complete surveys. This flexibility is especially beneficial for individuals who have other commitments such as a full-time job, studies, or family responsibilities.

2. Extra Income: One of the primary motivations for having a side hustle is to earn additional income. SurveyJunkie offers compensation to survey takers for completing surveys. While the income may vary depending on factors like survey length and complexity, it can be a convenient way to supplement your regular income or save up for specific goals.

3. Low Entry Barrier: Starting as an online survey taker usually has a low barrier to entry. SurveyJunkie, for example, allows individuals to sign up easily and start taking surveys without requiring specialized skills or experience. This accessibility makes it an attractive option for people looking to earn money without needing extensive training or qualifications.

4. Work from Anywhere: Online survey taking provides the opportunity to work from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether you prefer to work from the comfort of your home, a coffee shop, or while traveling, as long as you have access to the internet, you can take surveys and earn money. This flexibility can be particularly appealing for digital nomads or individuals seeking location-independent work.

5. Variety and Engagement: Participating in online surveys exposes you to a range of topics and provides an opportunity to share your opinions. This can be interesting and engaging for individuals who enjoy expressing their thoughts, providing feedback, or learning about different subjects. It can also serve as a way to stay updated on market trends, consumer preferences, and new products or services.

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