🥰 6 Ways To Nurture Your Network!!

Plus: How to get a job when you aren't qualified!

Work It Daily

Hello Everyone and Happy Friday!

It’s nice to see you… If you love what you read today in this newsletter, and aren’t already subscribed, you can sign up below. If you’re already subscribed, enjoy!

In today's email:

  • 6 ways to show your network some love! Here is how to be a valuable connection.

  • In the news: The federal government cut 34,000 jobs in March, job candidates need to demonstrate their soft skills, & companies will employ fewer people in the coming years due to AI.

  • How to get the job when you aren’t qualified… It’s 100% possible!

  • Secret hack to impressing recruiters & hiring mangers! This works every time!

As a working professional, it’s important to have a strong, strategic network.

We talk about the importance of building out a network with our job search clients all the time. However, it’s equally important to maintain your network when you actively have a job. Why? Because every job is temporary, and you never know when your connections might be of value to you.

The best way to maintain a strong network is to nurture your connections. You have to show them some value and love. Instead of thinking of a connection as someone who can help you, think of how you can help each other.

How do you prove you are a valuable addition to someone’s network?

You need to be regularly engaging with your network. Be proactive about offering your insights, thoughts, recommendations, and knowledge. This can be done in a variety of different ways, but here are 6 easy ways to nurture your network…

Many of us stare at a screen for a majority of the day. Whether you’re working at a computer for 8 hours a day or like to endlessly scroll on social media to relax after a long day (we’re guilty of both), increased screen time isn’t the healthiest thing for our eyes. Eyetamins Vision Support supplements keep your eyes in tip-top shape and are formulated with ingredients clinically backed to preserve vision health.

Here’s what’s going on in the news (related to careers of course):

How To Get The Job When You Don’t Have The Hard Skills & Aren’t Qualified 🤷

Did somebody say FREE? Yup, we did. We’ve got live events, instant access resources, and quizzes all for FREE!

Remote jobs are highly in demand right now! If you’re in the market for a new job and want to work from home, we have some ideas for you.

Found job you like? Apply directly though their website using the links above. But remember, LinkedIn is your friend, we always suggest using backchanneling to give yourself a better shot at lading a job. To learn more about connecting with potential employers click HERE.

In the video above, J.T. talks about a hack she has been teaching her clients to use in job interviews to impress recruiters and hiring managers.

This technique has you visualize all the requirements listed in the job description and match those requirements to your skills and experience. Click HERE to watch J.T. explain this process.

Once you have all of this information laid out in a more digestible form, when you go to the interview, you can present it to the recruiter or hiring manager. Our clients who have done this in their interviews, have all received positive results! Recruiters and hiring managers love it! Why? Because it takes the work away for them. Recruiters and hiring managers no longer have to try and match your resume to the job description to see if you have what they are looking for, you have already done it for them. This hack will truly set you apart from other candidates.

For more job search and interview advice, head on over to www.workitdaily.com and grab a 7-day FREE trial for our membership program. Inside the platform you will find the tools and resources you need to succeed!

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