Getting Ghosted by Recruiters: How to Fight Back

The New Recruiting Reality 🌟
So a client of mine, Emma, got an email from a recruiter saying she might be a good fit for an open position. Emma replied right away with her availability for an interview, but then...crickets. The recruiter ghosted her after getting her interest piqued. Frustrating? You bet. But unfortunately, this is becoming more and more common in today's recruiting world.
As I explained to Emma, many companies are now using automation tools to blast out mass emails to potential candidates. They send out a blanket group of emails saying "We looked at your profile, you might be a good fit - let us know if you're interested and when you're available."
The Sneaky Recruiting Tactic
Here's the catch - the recruiter may not actually look at your profile until after you respond showing interest. Your reply just puts you into the "interested" pool that the recruiter will now evaluate. If they don't see you as a fit at that point, they ghost you rather than sending a rejection.
In Emma's case, the recruiter looked at her LinkedIn profile after she messaged her availability, but then they didn't follow up - a sign they decided not to move forward with her as a candidate.
Don't Take It Personally 😔
While undoubtedly frustrating, I advised Emma not to take it too personally if she gets ghosted this way. Some companies are doing this recruitment approach, but not every company. If a recruiter ghosts you at this initial stage, there is no harm, no foul in trying a different approach.
The Workaround
So what workaround did I recommend when Emma got ghosted by the recruiter? Here are the tips I gave her:
Verify the Recruiter - Do some digging to confirm the recruiter is legitimate for that company. Check out their LinkedIn profile and the email address they contacted you from.
Connect on LinkedIn - Send the recruiter a custom LinkedIn connection request, mentioning the job they contacted you about. If they accept, you now have a direct line to follow up.
Go Over Their Head - If the recruiter still ghosts you, try connecting with the hiring manager for that role instead. Send them a connection request saying the recruiter reached out to you about their open position.
The hiring manager will likely look at your profile then, I told Emma. Even if the recruiter passed you over, you might still get the hiring manager interested in interviewing you.
Get the Proven Jobs Advice You Need 👍
While having to implement these workarounds is unfortunate, I reminded Emma that it's just the reality of today's competitive job search landscape. You have to play the game using all the tips and tricks that are actually working for people in getting hired right now.
The good news is, you don't have to figure it all out alone. At Work It DAILY, my team of Career Coaches and I provide expert, proven advice for all aspects of the job search - from revamping your resume and LinkedIn to negotiating better offers.
Want to see how we can help you land a great new job faster? Check out Work It DAILY's FREE 7-day trial and get access to our complete career resources and coaching. Stop getting ghosted and start getting hired!
Go get ‘em!
J.T. O’Donnell