👏 How to get a JOB OFFER!!

Plus: Our #1 tip for talking about your strengths in a job interview.

Work It Daily

Hello Everyone and Happy Thursday! We’ve got a lot for you in today’s newsletter, let’s keep this short so you can get to the good stuff. We promise you won’t want to miss anything! 😉

In today's email:

  • How to get a job offer! This is how hiring managers make their decisions.

  • Career Trivia. And responses from yesterday’s WWYD.

  • Live Networking Event. You won’t want to miss this!

  • How to talk about your strengths. Our #1 tip.

  • Your LinkedIn profile. How to make the most of it.

  • Conducting a proactive job search. This is how!

WHO SAID: "Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter.

Who doesn’t love a good round of trivia! We have a career related trivia question for you… good luck!

Question: What does the acronym "CV" stand for in job applications?

(Click on a choice below to lock in your answer.)

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Yesterday, we shared the story of Maria and how she wants to take a certification course, but her boss won’t let her take the time off. (To read the full situation, CLICK HERE to access yesterday's newsletter.) We asked our readers, 'What Would YOU Do?" - and got some EXCELLENT responses. Here's what they said:

This actually happened to me, and here's what I did. The course was offered by a woman in her 80s who was going to offer the course only one last time. So, this was literally my last chance to take the course. So, I told my boss the truth. I said I was going to take the course no matter what. Then, I said I would be happy to make up any days that I would miss (4 days), by working the two weekends before the course, and being available in the evenings on the days of the course. Because I stood my ground and my boss understood I would do whatever was needed to take the course, even quitting my job, she agreed to let me go and even encouraged me to just enjoy myself and not check in on the evenings I was away. I worked those weekends and I made sure I had all my work done in advance before leaving. Everyone was happy.

- Work It DAILY Newsletter Subscriber


Do you hate networking, BUT also know you need to expand your professional connections? We can help!

Join us for a *live* networking workshop for a FUN & EASY way to improve your networking skills and build connections. Work It DAILY’s CEO and 20+ year career coaching veteran, J.T. O’Donnell, will teach you networking best practices and build your networking confidence!

WHO: You!

WHAT: Live networking event to improve your networking skills.

WHERE: Online.

WHEN: June 27th 12pm EST/ 9am PST

HOW: Click the link below and reserve your spot for $5 (what a steal!)

Did somebody say FREE? Yup, we did. We’ve got live events, instant access resources, and quizzes all for FREE!

LIVE EVENTS: Join Work It DAILY's CEO and 20+ year career coaching veteran, J.T. O'Donnell for some live events you won't want to miss!

Simply click the link to learn more & save yourself a (free) seat to any of our events.

INSTANT ACCESS RESOURCES & QUIZZES: These resources will help you boost your career. Click HERE to get started.

Your LinkedIn profile is an important part of your career, so it’s important you make the most out of it. Here are some tips to get your profile going.

  • 👤 Top reasons why you need a LinkedIn profile.

  • 🏃 5-step quick guide to get started.

  • ✅ How to make better use of your profile.

How Do I Conduct A Proactive Job Search? Watch this!

Sore muscles? No thanks! These massage balls and foam roller will have your muscles more relaxed than ever.

“I think my strengths are…”


You are most likely going to be asked what your strengths are in a job interview. It’s easy to answer with what we wrote above, however there’s a better way to answer this dreaded question. Next time your in a job interview try this…

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What does it take to get a job offer?

Every day job seekers are asking themselves this question, wondering what they need to do. The truth is, you can only get a job offer as a result of your performance in a job interview. It’s not uncommon for people who are less qualified than you to get the job. Why? Because their interview performance was better.

That being said here’s some insight on how hiring managers make their decisions.

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