Fired From Multiple Jobs? Here's How to Finally Find Career Happiness

The Wake-Up Call 😧
We've all had those wake-up call moments in our careers—the times when we realize we're heading down the completely wrong path. For Collin, a client who recently came to Work It DAILY, that wake-up call came after being fired from yet another job that wasn't the right fit.
Collin was stuck in a cycle of taking jobs out of necessity rather than genuine passion. As he put it, "I've been fired from nearly all of my jobs...I'm not ever happy with what I'm doing which has been retail sales."
Discovering Your Driving Motivation
The first step in breaking this cycle is getting honest with yourself about what truly motivates and energizes you. What kinds of work light you up inside? For Collin, that motivating factor became clear: "I can say now my ideal position would be in bridal, fashion, or beauty on the corporate side...I want to be in a position of power. I don't like being told what to do."
When you can visualize and articulate the type of work that drives you, that's powerful. You start uncovering the key to long-term career satisfaction and success.
The Power of Informational Interviews 💪
Once Collin identified his core motivations, the next step was learning how to pivot into that kind of role based on his current experience. My advice? Informational interviews.
Informational interviews involve having short, casual meetings with people already working your dream job. You pick their brain: How did you get here? What skills does it take to thrive? What are the typical pathways in?
The magic of informational interviews is two-fold. First, you gain inside knowledge that can guide your professional development. But just as importantly, you start building relationships and making connections at companies that could potentially hire you.
I've seen it happen time and time again—my clients go on these interviews, make a great impression, and suddenly they're being personally recommended for roles they never even applied for! The companies create new positions just for them.
Aligning Values Gets You Hired
Why does this strategy work so well? Because at the end of the day, hiring managers want employees who share their company's core values and connect deeply with the work itself. You can have an impressive resume, but if you don't have that intrinsic motivation, it eventually becomes obvious.
By conducting informational interviews at your "dream companies," you show hiring managers that you're passionate about their field and aligned with their mission. You demonstrate cultural fit before they even post an opening. That's an enormous advantage in today's competitive job market.
Your Wake-Up Call Is Here 🚨
Collin's wake-up call allowed him to get honest about his past career mistakes and empowered him to start taking control of his professional future. Now, he's following a roadmap to make his long-held career goals a reality.
If you've been stuck in a rut, enduring roles that leave you unfulfilled, let this be your wake-up call too. Decide what kind of work inspires you. Start having those informational interviews. Align yourself with companies and opportunities that are an authentic match.
The path to career happiness starts with self-awareness and taking purposeful actions to design the working life you want. If you need expert guidance along the way, let Work It DAILY's career coaches pave the path for you.
Start your 7-day free trial today and discover the career coaching program that gets our clients hired faster and more strategically than ever before. We'll help you wake up from that rut and finally find sustainable fulfillment in your professional life. Your wake-up call is here—don't hit snooze.
Go get ‘em!
J.T. O’Donnell