It's YOUR fault...

that I'm avoiding 800+ emails

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Hello my friend!

It’s a rainy Saturday here in New England. Which is actually OKAY because…

I use the weekends to catch up on emails & social media. 

Right now, I have 800+ emails to go through. I’m sure many of your are just cringing at the thought of that. Me too.

FYI - my inbox isn’t always this full. But, the last month has forced me to put my email maintenance in what I like to call, “planned neglect mode”.

Here’s why…

Myself and my teammates have been working hard on the next chapter of Work It DAILY. A new vision for how we’re going to help millions of people (like YOU) survive and thrive in the disruptive workplace economy we are now dealing with.

So, I wanted to take a minute today to share with you what you can expect in the coming weeks. (Not to mention, it also lets me put off tackling that inbox a little longer - haha!)

Step #1: From weekly to daily. (The ONLY career advice newsletter you’re ever going to need. Yep, it’s THAT good!)

For the last 6 months, we’ve been sending out a basic weekly newsletter to over 70,000 people, with 1-2K new subscribers signing-up week over week.

And, thanks to our readers (a/k/a YOU), we’ve learned that’s not enough.

As a result of huge events like the pandemic, the Great Resignation, and now the massive layoffs happening - the demand for timely career and job search advice has increased so much, we realized switching to a daily format would help our readers upskill and be in-the-know much faster.

In just 5 minutes/day, you’re going to be able to “skim” topics, tools, and insights that will help you catapult your career.

And don’t worry, it’s still 100% FREE. (All thanks to our newsletter sponsors!)

Step #2: A NEW life-change course, “The ULTIMATE Guide To Unlocking Your Career Destiny” - for only $9/month.

The pandemic created a tipping point. Workers around the globe said, “I’m done with the live-to-work mentality,” and have become more purpose-driven professionals who are focused on defining work on their own terms.

That’s GREAT, but unfortunately school didn’t teach us how to create a personalized approach to career management so we can have the success and satisfaction we want.

And, let’s be real clear: employers are NEVER going to teach it to you for fear you’ll leave their jobs.

Unfortunately, while 46 million people felt they needed to leave their jobs in 2021. Sadly, studies now show over 80% of those who were part of “The Great Quit” are still unhappy.

That’s why we created a new online course called, “The ULTIMATE Guide To Unlocking Your Career Destiny”. It’s a step-by-step, online video course that helps you understand your unique combination of professional strengths and how to use them to create a customized gameplan for achieving your career goals. Other sites and coaches normally charge $400+ for an in-depth on-demand course like this. But, we decided to make it part of our private membership community. Which means, you can now access it at any time for only $9/month - and cancel at any time.

We are on a mission to empower the workforce, and we can’t do that if access to the tools you need are too expensive.

Offering this course for only $9/month is our gift to the universe. We know karma will repay us here at Work It DAILY. Besides, nothing gives us more JOY than getting love letters from our members when they land their dream jobs.

Which leads to Step #3 - asking you to cheer us on.

This Monday, April 3rd, you’re going to see the NEW & IMPROVED daily FREE newsletter in your inbox. I’m hoping you’ll take 5 minutes to open it and take a peek.

Especially, the part where we ask you to anonymously submit your ideas for topics you want us to cover in the newsletter. We want your ideas!

And, if you like what you see, can I ask that you share the newsletter with 1 person you know who needs help in their career right now? We want to help as many people as we can. And word of mouth is the BEST way we know how!

PS - From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for being a fan and follower of Work It DAILY. All of us here love what we do and feel so lucky that we get to serve you all. This is one of the most positive and supportive community of workers I’ve ever had the privilege of coaching.

You are truly AMAZING!


J.T. O’Donnell - CEO, Work It DAILY


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