💔 The Broken-Hearted Job Seeker!!

Plus: How to answer behavioral interview questions.

Work It Daily

Hello Everyone and Happy Monday!

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In today's email:

  • The broken-hearted job seeker! Healing tips to cope with being laid off.

  • Why do recruiters ghost you? They reach out about a job, and you never hear from them again.

  • Behavioral interview questions. What they are and how to answer them.

  • Two Truths & A Lie! Can you detect the lie?

  • How to stay active at work. 4 easy tips to add to your daily routine.

Here’s what’s going on in the news (related to careers of course):

Never fall in love with a corporation, because it will never love you back.

We want you to love what you do, and be passionate about the work your company does, but you always have to remember that every job is temporary.

Getting attached to a company can cause problems in the future for those who unfortunately get laid off or let go. The company they once loved, they now despise. And we totally understand, being laid off is a punch in the gut, it hurts.

For some, healing from this pain can take a long time. However, not all of us always have the luxury of taking the time to recover. Some of us have bills to pay and need to find our next job ASAP. Here are some tips for the broken-hearted job seeker, so they can cope with their feelings as quickly as possible.

job search hacks

Why Recruiters Message You About A Job &Then Ghost You! 😟😒🫤

Did somebody say FREE? Yup, we did. We’ve got live events, instant access resources, and quizzes all for FREE!

LIVE EVENTS: Join Work It DAILY's CEO and 20+ year career coaching veteran, J.T. O'Donnell for some live events you won't want to miss!

Simply click the link to learn more & save yourself a (free) seat to any of our events.

INSTANT ACCESS RESOURCES & QUIZZES: These resources will help you boost your career. Click HERE to get started.

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5 Reasons To Make SurveyJunkie Your Next Side Hustle

There are several reasons why someone might choose to have a side hustle as an online survey taker for SurveyJunkie. Here are five possible reasons:

1. Flexibility: Online survey taking allows for flexibility in terms of working hours. As a survey taker, you can typically choose when and where you want to complete surveys. This flexibility is especially beneficial for individuals who have other commitments such as a full-time job, studies, or family responsibilities.

2. Extra Income: One of the primary motivations for having a side hustle is to earn additional income. SurveyJunkie offers compensation to survey takers for completing surveys. While the income may vary depending on factors like survey length and complexity, it can be a convenient way to supplement your regular income or save up for specific goals.

3. Low Entry Barrier: Starting as an online survey taker usually has a low barrier to entry. SurveyJunkie, for example, allows individuals to sign up easily and start taking surveys without requiring specialized skills or experience. This accessibility makes it an attractive option for people looking to earn money without needing extensive training or qualifications.

4. Work from Anywhere: Online survey taking provides the opportunity to work from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether you prefer to work from the comfort of your home, a coffee shop, or while traveling, as long as you have access to the internet, you can take surveys and earn money. This flexibility can be particularly appealing for digital nomads or individuals seeking location-independent work.

5. Variety and Engagement: Participating in online surveys exposes you to a range of topics and provides an opportunity to share your opinions. This can be interesting and engaging for individuals who enjoy expressing their thoughts, providing feedback, or learning about different subjects. It can also serve as a way to stay updated on market trends, consumer preferences, and new products or services.

interview prep

Do you know what behavioral interview questions are? Behavioral interview questions reveal a lot about a potential candidate and can help a hiring manager predict how that candidate will perform in the future. These types of questions have become more and more popular, so it’s important you know how to answer them. Below you can see some of the most common questions and how to use the Experience + Learn = Grow Model to craft your answers:

Below are three workplace stories that are so crazy, they are hard to believe. In fact, two of the stories are real, but one is a LIE! Can you tell which stories are true and which one we made up?

Story #1: “I worked at a restaurant that was kind of fancy and upscale. One day we had this family come into the restaurant and they were nice people, but they were talking so loudly, they were basically yelling. It was clearly disrupting and bothering other customers. I had one table ask me if they could quiet down, so I politely asked the family if they would lower their voice. They said yes, but didn’t quiet down much. It was so disruptive that one customer asked them to quiet down too. Next thing I knew, the loud family and the bothered customer were screaming at each other and it ended with them throwing food and making a mess. We had to kick all of them out!”

Story #2: “This one guy basically hated his order so much, he waved me over and told me to put my hand out. He proceeded to spit out entirely what was in his mouth into my hand, then told me to refund him and make him something else. I was too shocked to really retaliate to what he did at that moment. I don’t like confrontation, so I walked away to the bathroom and cleaned my hands for what felt like hours. My co-worker saw what happened and told my boss, who kicked him out and he was no longer allowed back."

Story #3: “I once worked at a Wendy's. This middle aged lady ordered 30 chocolate Frostys. We made the Frostys, gave them to her, and carried on. Then, about seven customers later, a teenager pulled up in the same car. He asked for a water, and I went to get that for him. When I came back with the water, he started throwing the Frostys through the window. And he had an arm, too. He nailed my coworker in the side of the head and hit me center mass. We called the cops, and they caught him as he tried to flee.”

Which story is the lie?

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Answer at the bottom of the newsletter!

Today’s Look As Good As You Work Recommendation are lotions from Cetaphil. As winter approaches, so does dry air and cracked skin. During the colder months our skin needs extra attention and hydration. We love moisturizing with Cetaphil lotions. They have products for all skin types, so whether you just need a light moisture or something more intense, they’ve got what you need.

career success

Staying active at work can be a real challenge…

It’s so easy to get caught up in your work day duties. Between meetings, projects, and other miscellaneous tasks you might not even realize that you have been sitting for hours!

A sedentary lifestyle is not ideal, but is common for individuals whose jobs require them to be at a desk all day long. It’s important to get your body moving as much as you can to keep your joints healthy, muscles strong, and your mind happy.

We know trying to work movement into your busy day can be challenging, but we hope our tips can help make it less challenging. Here are four simple things you can try at work to become more active!

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Two Truths & A Lie: Story #1! You can read the true stories HERE.


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