🧲 Attracting Career Opportunities

Plus: How to beat ATS systems & land your dream job.

Work It Daily

Hello Everyone & Happy Thursday! 

Happy National Day of Encouragement! If no one has told you lately, you’ve got this and we are so proud of you. Let’s get into it!

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In Today’s Newsletter:

  • How Your Perspective Shapes the Career Opportunities You Attract - It’s time to take control of your career.

  • In The News - AI is forcing companies to make costly hiring decisions & PwC laid off 1,800 employees.

  • J.T. Talks Jobs - How to beat ATS systems & land your dream job.

  • Resources We Recommend - Boost your remote job search with FlexJobs.

Resources We Recommend

Boost Your Remote Job Search with FlexJobs

Looking for remote work opportunities? FlexJobs can help streamline your search.

  • Access a wide range of vetted remote job listings

  • Browse positions from reputable companies

  • Save time by avoiding scams and irrelevant postings

FlexJobs specializes in remote, hybrid, and flexible work opportunities across various industries. Whether you're seeking full-time remote positions or flexible gigs, FlexJobs can be a valuable tool in your job search arsenal.

Check out FlexJobs today – Your next remote opportunity could be a click away.

How Your Perspective Shapes the Career Opportunities You Attract

Have you ever stopped to think about how the way you view the world might be influencing your career? J.T. O’Donnell, Work It DAILY’s CEO, and I recently had a conversation about a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson:

“People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.”

This quote perfectly sums up something J.T. frequently discusses in her coaching sessions—how our view of the world directly impacts the opportunities (or lack thereof) that we attract in our careers.

The Power of Perspective

J.T. and I talked about a thought-provoking experience that really struck a chord with the both of us. In a recent TikTok video, she asked her followers to share the best thing that happened to them in their career in 2023. The responses were surprising. Most people said that getting fired, laid off, or quitting a toxic job was the best thing that happened to them.

At first glance, these may seem like negative situations. Yet, these individuals felt that the unexpected setbacks ultimately led to better opportunities. Why? Because they chose to see those moments as a chance to move forward, instead of seeing them as obstacles.

J.T.’s point was clear: It’s not the events themselves that define our future—it’s how we choose to interpret and respond to them. This is why your perspective is such a powerful force in shaping your career journey. The way you react to challenges or setbacks could be the key to unlocking your next big opportunity.

Are You the Hero or the Victim in Your Career Story?

J.T. often talks about how people come to her ready to change the trajectory of their careers. They’ve had ups and downs, but they’ve reached a pivotal point: they’re ready to stop feeling like victims of their career story and start being the hero.

And isn’t that what we all want? To feel like we have control over our own narrative?

What’s inspiring about the individuals J.T. works with is their ability to reframe their situations. They don’t deny the hardships they’ve faced, but instead of getting stuck in a negative mindset, they decide to take charge of their future. They choose to rewrite their career story, and that mindset shift opens the door to new opportunities.

Your Opinion Shapes Your Reality

What’s so fascinating about Emerson’s quote is that it reminds us our opinions are not just reflections of the world—they’re reflections of who we are. If you constantly see your career challenges as insurmountable, you’ll likely continue to encounter roadblocks. But if you can view those challenges as opportunities for growth, you’ll be more open to the possibilities around you.

There’s a stark difference between people who see their career as something that’s happening to them and those who see it as something they can shape and control.

It’s not about ignoring the tough times. In fact, acknowledging them is crucial. But it’s also about deciding how you’re going to let those experiences influence your next steps. Are you going to remain stuck, or are you going to take control and rewrite your career narrative?

Change Your Perspective, Change Your Opportunities

At Work It DAILY, we’re all about helping you become the hero of your career story. Whether you’ve been through a tough layoff, struggled in a toxic work environment, or are just feeling stuck, the way you view your situation plays a massive role in what happens next.

If you find yourself in a tough spot, ask yourself: How am I interpreting this? Are you focusing on the negative, or are you seeing the potential for a fresh start? Remember, you have the power to choose how you respond, and that choice will shape your future opportunities.

Ready to Be the Hero of Your Career Story?

If you’re ready to take control of your career and shift your mindset, I encourage you to join our Work It DAILY community. We offer a 7-day free trial where you can connect with like-minded individuals and get the support you need to achieve your career goals. It’s time to write the ending to your story, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Come join us, we’d love to have you.

And as always… you’ve got this!

Cassidy O’Donnell

In The News

J.T. Talks Jobs

Meme Of The Day

Free Resources

Did somebody say FREE? Yup, we did. We’ve got live events, instant access resources, and quizzes all for FREE! Click on an image below to get started!

Career Quizzes

Job Search Checklist

Resume & LinkedIn Bootcamp

Break Through Your Job Search Burnout

Professional Strengths Workbook

My First Job Workbook

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